Dragon News
July and many visitors have arrived at the Tail. We are now in the typical summer afternoon shower mode. Watch the weather and plan to take a break when the widely scattered rains move in for 30 minutes in the mid afternoon. When the weather stations call for 50% chance of rain, which is just about every day, you can be sure that the rain is wide spread and spotty. It usually clears with the sun back out late afternoon. Traffic is picking-up on area roads so be courteous to others on the road.
May 2022
Moving into the middle of spring we see the weather beginning to change into the summer pattern of afternoon showers. We have learned that when the prediction for rain is less than 50% for the day, rain is unlikely, or spotty and short lived at worst.
Also want to remind everyone that in North Carolina take it easy on the 4-lanes, especially on NC 28 and US19 near Bryson City and Andrews. Saw a large group pulled over the other day on 28. Easy pickings for troopers. Wide open roads with 55 or 60 mph limit is tempting to add a little extra, but you take your chances.
March 2022
The 2022 season is officially open at the Tail of the Dragon. The weather is perfection with temps in the 70s. Looks like a quick front might come through next weekend, but the temps will bounce back quickly. We are looking forward to seeing old friends return and making new friends in the coming months. Be sure to make you reservations early as we are looking at a big year as the Canadians return.
February 16, 2022
The 2022 season is rapidly approaching, and it looks to be a big year for the Tail of the Dragon and all of the other roads in the area. The weather is already moderating, and a number of cars and bikes have been taking advantage of it.
All the roads are in good shape. We can live with the Foothills being closed for a few months. The paving and upgrades will be a welcome change.
Get your gear in shape and plan your next two-lane blacktop adventure.
Our Tail of the Dragon T-shirt Shack will be opening in March and the Killboy team will be in full operation. Looking forward to seeing you all at the Big Metal Dragon.
Season Winding Down
As 2021 comes to an end we see the weather changing with colder nights, but the days temps look to be moderate in the 70s. There is still plenty of time to get out and enjoy the area roads before winter sets in. We do have some colder weather gear at the Tail of the Dragon T-shirt Shack. Just look for the Big Metal Dragon.
Summer Weather Pattern
Next week the forecast is for rain nearly every day. This is a typical summer weather pattern which brings widely scattered rain to the area in the afternoons. Notice the forecast is usually less than 50% which means many areas will not get the short lived thunderstorms. Plan on touring in the morning with a break in the mid-afternoon. Storms usually clear after an hour to allow you some nice weather in the late afternoon.
Memorial Day 2021
Remembering those who gave so much………Thanks to the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) for this portrait of the Riderless Horse.
April 4, 2021
We are open for the 2021 year at the Tail of the Dragon T-shirt Shack. Plan to stop in and get a photo in front of Calestar, our huge metal dragon.
The weather is moderating with decent riding temps. We are falling into the summer weather pattern when the online weather services predict rain on many days. Be aware that if you look closely at the predictions they show chances of rain BELOW 50%. When the chance of rain is BELOW 50% it is likely to be a nice day with possible scattered showers usually in the mid afternoon that quickly clear. Under 50% chance and you can still have good riding conditions most of the day.
Our friend Neale Bayly paid us a visit last year when he brought a custom KTM Super Duke 1290 to play around for a few days. SEE HIS STORY HERE
February 7, 2021
The weather forecasters missed again. Saturday night the area got several inches of snow.
It’s pretty, but makes travel on local roads dangerous. It should be gone in a day or two with temps moving up into the 50s.
February 4, 2021
Looks like a good chance to get your winter fix in at the Dragon this coming weekend. High temps in the 50s with sunshine for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Don’t miss this warm break before the snows return.
The Tail of the Dragon T-shirt Shack is planning to reopen in early March, but as usual it will be dependent on the weather conditions. We need a groundhog to help us predict.